What Are The Strongest Metals?

When it comes to strength, not all metals are equal. While all metals can and will bend under enough force, some are stronger than others. Metal strength can be categorized into several categories, including hardness, yield strength, and compressive strength. Hardness Hardness refers to the ability of a metal to resist being scratched or bent. It is usually indicated by a number on the Brinell scale (a high number suggests hardness), which can be improved via heat treatment. As you might assume, the "hardest" metals are the most difficult to deform. The hardest known metal is chromium. Chromium is a type of steel known as stainless steel — it has a high carbon content and must be supplemented with other metals to prevent corrosion. Yield strength This is a more specific type of hardness — the amount of stress a metal can withstand without becoming permanently deformed. It's usually expressed in KSI (thousands of pounds per square inch), and it has a massive role in de...